Last call for tonight’s mystery bonus

One of the pros of working as a freelance copywriter is that, along with getting paid, you basically get a free MBA.

I knew nothing about business before I got started as a copywriter.

But offer to write a sales page for somebody… and they will take you behind the curtains of their business and tell you everything — how they get their customers… what they sell them… what they really sell them, after that first sale… how much they charge… what has worked… what hasn’t.

You can ask whatever you want, however intrusive, and the client will answer, in detail, and truthfully.

I don’t miss much about working with clients, but this ongoing business education is one thing I do miss.

Good thing is, coaching people — successful business owners, or copywriters working with successful businesses — is almost as good.

So for example:

A few months ago, one of the copywriters I coached inside Shiv Shetti’s PCM mastermind was writing an email promo for a business coach.

The business coach was selling a $5k program. You had to get on a sales call to get in the program.

So far, so standard.

The one unusual thing was that the business coach offered a sexy bribe just to get people onto the sales call.

Whether or not that’s a smart thing to do is a question for another time.

For now, all I’ll say is that, thanks to coaching the copywriter in charge of this promo, I actually got to look inside the sexy bribe. It was a “plug-and-play email funnel” to 1) generate passive income and 2) get more qualified leads on your email list.

I can tell you this:

* The strategy was really far from being anything NEW

* Calling it “passive income” was a bit of a stretch, or at least creative repackaging

But the truth remains, this little email “funnel” was highly valuable for this business coach and her clients.

And it also happens to be something I have used myself, on multiple occasions, for years now, to offset the cost of ads I was running to various email lists, or even to remove those costs altogether.

I will be revealing this little “funnel” in a mystery bonus that will disappear at 12 midnight PST tonight.

In case you are interested, the time to move is now. And in case you have successfully managed to avoid all my emails about this offer until now, the details are below:


The background:

I will be building up a new list I’ve launched via paid ads, starting at $10-$15 a day, and aiming to get 10-15 subscribers for that money.

If you like, you can follow the same process I will be following (a course by an expert list builder, which costs $495), plus you can get my live copywriting feedback and marketing insight as a free bonus.

Like I wrote yesterday, I will be promoting this offer for another week.

But if you decide you want to jump in by the end of today, at 12 midnight PST, I will do two things:

1. I will put you into the Skool community as soon as I open it up on Monday

2. I’ll give you a special mystery bonus to say thanks. This special mystery bonus is about a strategy that’s not covered in the list-building blueprint I will be following… but a strategy that I’ve used in the past to offset the cost of running ads, and in some cases even eliminate it

Of course, don’t decide now if want to join me or not. Simply decide if this sounds interesting to you, and and if it does, hit reply and say so. I can get you the full details, and you can decide then, and maybe even in time for today’s mini-deadline.