Jeffrey Epstein just wanted to feel okay

Whatever happened to talk of Jeffrey Epstein?

It seemed that in the second half of 2019, any online discussion could suddenly melt down into the phrase, “Epstein didn’t kill himself.” And the next thing you know…

… we have a pandemic on our hands, and nobody remembers Epstein any more.

I’m not trying to sell you yet another conspiracy theory. I just want to bring up an article I read back in 2019, during the height of Epstein fever.

The article appeared in the sometimes thoughtful, often merely provocative Taki Mag. And it features the following thought:

“My guess about the late Mr. Epstein’s taste for orgies is that it was only partially sexual in origin. After all, a man in his situation could have paid for any amount of sex, of any kind, in private. What he really enjoyed (I surmise) is corrupting others — and not just others, but prominent and powerful others. He enjoyed being, or playing, Mephistopheles, quite apart from any sexual gratification he may have had on the way.”

The article goes on to say that Epstein came from a modest background. He then made a lot of money through whatever means.

But this didn’t soothe his sense of inferiority among other rich and powerful people. Rather, it inflamed it. And the only way Epstein could finally feel better… is by making others act worse.

In other words, Jeffrey Epstein just wanted to feel okay, in the sense that negotiation coach Jim Camp used that word.

I guess we will never know whether that was really so.

But it sounds plausible to me. Because most of us are not really motivated by money… sex… or A-list copywriting chops. Instead we are motivated by something deeper, less rational, and more primal.

Like what exactly?

Like wanting to feel okay, for example. Feeling okay is one of these primal desires. But it’s not the only one.

And if you keep your antenna out, you might soon spot some others. Or if you want a shortcut… well, there’s a short video out there on YouTube that talks about this in more detail. I was reminded of it a few days ago.

If you ask me, this video is the minute-for-minute champion when it comes to advanced and subtle copywriting ideas. I shared the link to this video with my email newsletter subscribers. If you’d like to sign up for that, so you can feel okay and so you don’t miss out on future copywriting shortcuts, then click here and fill out the form.