I predict a crippling electrical storm or perhaps a meteorite strike tonight

I am up in the Pyrenees, in theory meant to be enjoying a few days of fresh air, beautiful scenery, and time spent with friends.

In reality, I have spent the past two days staring at the computer and frantically trying to prepare for the consequences of the ad I will run in Josh Spector’s newsletter, which is supposed to send a bunch of new subscribers my way, some time between now, the moment I am writing this, and later tonight, the moment this email will go out.

The last time I ran an ad like this, this past March, in Daniel Throssell’s newsletter, my email service provider, Active Campaign, decided to completely collapse for about 12 hours.

Since I am prone to catastrophizing, I am expecting a worldwide electrical storm tonight, or possibly a meteorite strike that will entirely cripple telecommunication networks.

That’s ok. I will deal with it tomorrow.

Today, as I am finally pretty much finished with all the niggling things that this project required, I will go and enjoy a bit of the time I have left in this beautiful setting.

And now, my offer for you today:

Next Monday, I will put on a training I’ve titled 9 Deadly Email Sins, about the most common mistakes I’ve seen in the 100+ emails I’ve reviewed for various business owners, marketers, and copywriters over the past year.

If you are not interested in this training, well, I will be sending more emails over the next week to try to get you interested.

But if you are interested, you can get the full details on this training or sign up right now at the link below (nb: it’s the thank you page for the Josh Spector ad):
