How to grow a newsletter by 15k subs in one day

Today is the last day of my promotion of Newsletter XP, the star-studded course on how to build, grow, and monetize a successful newsletter.

So let me give you a case study from that course. It comes from one Jenny Rothenberg. Jenny was the head of growth at Morning Brew as Morning Brew’s audience scaled from 100k to 2.5M.

Jenny then started her own newsletter growth agency, Smooth Media. She now works with big creators brands. One of these are Colin and Samir. I’d never heard of them but apparently they are big on YouTube. Jenny worked with them to create a video that drove 15k subs to their newsletter in one day.

“Aw that’s just great!” you say. “They probably have millions of followers on YouTube! Come on!”


But Colin and Samir didn’t simply create a video that said, “Hey we have a newsletter, come sign up.” Even with a big audience, that won’t drive 15k subscribers in one day.

Instead, they used fundamental human psychology, which you too can use, even if you don’t have a million YouTube subscribers.

There was scarcity (“We’re gonna delete this video in 24 hours”)… a giveaway… a partnership with another big creator… and a completely on-brand, value-prop match between their YouTube channel and what their newsletter was about.

You can do this too, even if you have a following of 99 people. But what if you have no other audience to tap into at all?

Inside the same module of Newsletter XP, you can hear Jenny talk about other ways to benefit from people who do have audiences — on YouTube, TikTok, Twitter.

​​This is part of a bigger discussion that happens inside the course between Jenny, Tyler Denk (CEO of Beehiiv), Alex Lieberman (former CEO of Morning Brew), and Dan Krenitsyn (previously BuzzFeed, now Facebook).

They all have war stories, and they all have unique answers to the question that this module is built around, which is:

“What is your playbook for taking a newsletter from 100→10,000 subscribers in a year?”

If you’d like to hear that discussion and profit from it, I suggest you act now.

I’ve managed to claw out a $200 discount for you from the usual price that Newsletter XP sells for. That discount is good until tonight, Monday Feb 26, at 12 midnight PST. If you’d like to take advantage of this, here’s what to do:

1. Go to the Newsletter XP sales page at

2. If you decide you want to get Newsltter XP, then use coupon code JB20 at checkout.

3. Make sure the coupon code works — that you see the price drop by $200. This is not my funnel, and if you end up buying at full price, there’s nothing I can do about it.