allaboutme: “Men are sexist, and it shows!”

Last Thursday, I revealed the 5 winners of my Most Valuable Email contest. Then on Friday, I got an email from a female reader, who happens to have “allaboutme” as part of her email address. She wrote:


All males.
Gotta say I saw that coming from a mile away.
Been monitoring all-male offerings for a few months and it’s the same.
Men are sexist, and it shows!


It’s true. All 5 MVE contest winners were men.

That’s inevitable, because of the dozens of entries I got for this contest, all came from men.

I don’t know why that is.

A good number of women read my emails. A good number reply to my emails. A good number have bought MVE from me.

And yet, no woman decided to enter this contest, for reasons that are beyond my limited understanding.

But let’s get back to allaboutme.

I don’t know about you, but to me, saying “Men are sexist, and it shows!” sounds… kinda sexist?

At least if by “sexist” you mean “discriminating on the basis of sex”… and if by “discriminating” you mean “holding negative, dismissive attitudes about a group of people as a whole.”

If you ask me, allaboutme’s message is a perfect example of the universal law:

Whatever people seem to be talking about, they are really talking about themselves.

“Yeah yeah but — what about you Bejako?” I hear you saying. “What does it say if you are here, telling me how people are always talking about themselves? Aren’t you just talking about yourself?”

You’re a clever cow, aren’t you.

But you’re right. I am in fact talking about myself.

We all make snap generalizations, and we use them to wallpaper the walls of our mind. It’s a normal part of human life and simply how the human brain works.

But sometimes these snap generalizations have an ugly pattern on them, or an ugly color scheme.

So we end up sitting inside our mind, surrounded by all this wallpaper we’ve pasted on, suffering from the ugliness, and thinking how life is unfair. And it shows!

Is there anything to be done?

For the longest time, I thought no. Not really.

Because I’d tried thinking myself right. I’d tried meditating. I’d tried NLP. I’d tried telling myself, “Just create your own reality!”

None of it worked.

But something has been working. For a few months now. Every day.

If you’re curious, I’ll tell you what it is. But brace yourself. Or maybe just keep an open mind. And take a look here: