A primer on worldbuilding

Thanks to my space-age “Insight Exposed” system, which allows me to retrieve interesting and valuable information that I came across hundreds or thousands of Earth-days ago, I was reminded that in November 2022 I came across a unique, rare, and precious document.

This document shoulda been titled,

“A Primer On Worldbuilding For Content Creators With Ambitions Of Creating Multi-Billion Idea Franchises”

As it is, this document has no title. It jumps straight into the meat of it.

You can find a way to get at this document below. But first, a word of warning:

This document is written in what is known as “experiential learning” style.

In other words, this document won’t spell out ABC how to build a world of your own.

Rather than telling you, it will show you.

That means you will have to put on a little light Marvin Gaye, and as Marvin builds up in the background, you will have to look at this document and ask yourself, “What’s going on? What is really happening here?”

I did this exercise myself just now.

​​I took about a page-and-a-half of notes from this document on how to build an effective and engaging world.

For example, based on the first sentence of the third paragraph on page 12 of this document, I wrote down to myself:

“Keep the setting utilitarian and unobstructive, except for a few key details to signal novelty.”

I suggest you do the same. That is, if you can see the value in building your own expansive, coherent, and exciting world.

If you want this unique, rare, and precious document, as a first step, you’ll have to get onto my email list. Click here to do so. And when you get my welcome email, reply to it and say, “I want the primer on worldbuilding please.”