The world’s simplest, most powerful conversion tool

This past Saturday, I got hypnotized by a master hypnotist.

One minute, I was just watching a free video inside the hypnotist’s free Skool group.

The next minute, I found myself rooting through the hypnotist’s website and skimming through his sales pages.

A few minutes after that, I had gotten out my credit card and paid for a $2,900 bundle of digital products.

The master hypnotist in question is Travis Sago. I’ve written about him often in these emails.

Travis would probably claim he’s not a hypnotist. Instead, he would claim to be just a marketing guy.

He’s even modest about his skills there. But if that’s true, then I don’t know how he got me to give him $2,900, without asking. I was even happy and excited about it.

Anyways, that’s all a preamble to the fact that, earlier today, I was watching one of Travis’s videos inside that $2,900 bundle I bought.

Travis promised to reveal the world’s simplest, most powerful conversion tool.

​​He put out up his index finger and held it level. And he said:

“It all goes back to this simple, diabolically redneck, Arkansas, best conversion-tool-ever index finger.”

Travis was saying you have to be able to point to your prospect’s problem. Or rather, to your prospect’s present pain.

In other words, Travis was just repeating the standard advice to be specific, concrete, visual in your copy. Except none of those words are actually specific, concrete, or visual. An index finger is.

Another example:

Your cart software. Imagine it right now. How many sales came in yesterday?

A couple?

​​Just one?


You might have great offers. You might have a great relationship with your list. You might even have great copy. Bit if your cart software is showing just a couple sales yesterday, or one, or zero, there’s some “act now” magic that’s missing.

And on that note:

Tonight at 12 midnight PST is the last moment to raise your hand, or at the very least an index finger, to indicate your interest in my Secret Demand live training this Friday.

I will close off signups for that training tomorrow. But before I send anyone to the sales page, I want to talk to them, or rather exchange one email to see if could be a fit or not.

​​Since that emailing is going to take a bit of time, the last time to actually express interest is tonight. ​​After tonight at 12 midnight PST, the doors to the front lobby of the Bejakovic theater will close. If you want to see the show, you’ll have to be inside before then.

So ask yourself:

Do you have a business?

Do you have an email list?

Does the promise of unlocking secret demand in your list sound appealing?

If so, then reply to this email.

I’ll have a couple questions for you. And if it sounds like a fit, I’ll send you the full details about this training. You can then decide if you’d like to join me on Friday.