Ancestral Recall testimonial open

How many words can you write in a day? How many words can you write consistently, day after day? Without AI?

Dan Ferrari, the A-list copywriter who was my copywriting coach in a different decade, once wrote that “most writers, when they put their ego aside and just get to work, can knock out about 3,000 words per day.”

I’ve never tried measuring it, but I have my doubts. I do know that today I’ve already written about 1,500 words. I still have this email to write, and my brain has already turned to mush, and is in danger of leaking out of my ears.

So let me take the easy path to the offer, and tell you about a valuable message I got a few days ago from copywriter Jesús Silva Marcano.

Jesús wrote in response to an email where I compared unprompted testimonials to the Black Lotus card in Magic The Gathering. To which Jesús wrote:


Reading the reference to Magic: The Gathering transported me several years into the past, and I loved it.

Also, I agree with Jakub that I learn a lot from your daily emails.

Several months ago, I was reading, enjoying and learning from them.

However, since I bought MVE, I can guarantee that you learn, easily 5 times more.

And although I can’t use the “most valuable trick” with all the clients that come and go into “my (copywriting) world”….

What you teach in Simple Money Emails definitely does.

Maybe this email is not a Black Lotus, but I hope it can be at least an Ancestral Recall.

I hope all is well and keep it up. A big hug.


It’s very nice to get message like this, and to hear that people are getting some real-world value from my courses and emails.

Plus, I’m now almost all the way to the offer. So:​​

If you want to learn a bunch of email copywriting tricks that you can use for clients who come and go into your copywriting world, then you can find those in my Simple Money Emails training.

If you want to discover a method to easily learn 5x more about marketing and copywriting by writing emails to your own list — or by reading the emails I write to my list — then you can find that in my Most Valuable Email course.

And if neither of those interests you, then you can always just write in and tell me how many words you can write consistently, day after day. I’m curious how I stack up, and maybe you can teach me something valuable. Thanks in advance.