A deadline to make a deliberate and far-sighted decision

“We might describe the predicament of these [frontal lobe] patients as a ‘myopia for the future,’ a concept that has been proposed under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Inebriation does narrow the panorama of our future, so much so that almost nothing but the present is processed with clarity.”
— Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error

Antonio Damasio is a celebrated neuroscientist at USC and the Salk Institute. He claims all our decisions are made emotionally.

One of his arguments is that people who suffer brain damage that interferes with their emotions… also stop being able to make decisions effectively.

​​Instead, they start to act in impulsive, short-sighted ways, much like somebody drunk.

That’s some high-science proof for an idea that direct response marketers and copywriters have been preaching for decades.

Here’s another thing direct response marketers figured out long ago:

A deadline, coming up in just a few hours, is a proven way to bring a person’s focus to the present.

Specifically, if you’d like to join Copy Riddles, my program for learning how to write bullets and improve your copywriting in general, then you can do so until the end of day today, Sunday, July 4, at 12 midnight PST.

After that, I’ll close the shopping cart down and keep it closed for a few months.

Of course, you’re not drunk… you’re not under the influence of drugs… and you’re not suffering from frontal lobe brain damage.

In other words, you have all your wits about you, and you can make decisions for yourself and your future effectively right now.

So if you’d like to make a deliberate and far-sighted decision for the benefit of your copywriting career, then the time is here:
