Grow your list with relevant people who will eventually buy from you

I have a special, very time-limited offer for you today. But first, let me give you the background:

Last week, in my Daily Email House community, I ran a “JV Outreach Challenge.”

Basically, the goal was to open up a conversation with somebody who could turn into a potential business partner, however light and temporary.

As part of this, I asked House members to think about their own problems/wants/frustrations.

Not everybody shared publicly. But some did.

Among all the different problems/wants/frustrations, there was one common thread in everyone’s lists, always near the top. That was some variant of:

“Not enough subscribers/list is not growing fast enough/not enough of the right prospects who actually have money to spend”

… ie, the old problem of high-quality list building.

Of course, this problem came up with people who are just starting out. But it also came up even with people who are established and successful, and who already have lists of thousands of subscribers.

A fact that won’t shock you is that I’m no expert in list building.

In fact, I have been very casual about building my own list.

Like I’ve written before, I spent the first couple years of this newsletter writing to fewer than 100 people.

These days, my list remains small by industry standards, though it’s much bigger than it was. It’s also big enough that I can make a 6-figure income from it. I’ve also made a public and definite choice not to focus on list growth, but rather on list profitability.

All that said, I have learned a few things about list growth over the years. And ever since I started Daily Email House, I have been writing a series of posts about 6 techniques that have actually grown my list.

I jokingly called these techniques, “Magic List-Growing Secrets That Big Email Doesn’t Want You To Know.”

That’s because they are no secrets at all. They’re not hacks. They’re not something that is working today because of a glitch on TikTok and will be gone tomorrow.

They’re certainly not something that worked just for me because I was the first to exploit it, and with each subsequent person who tries it after, the results turn more meager and meager.

Instead, these 6 techniques of list growth have worked for me, and will work for anyone else, if you only apply them consistently.

In fact, there’s a good chance they will work better and faster for you than they did for me.

That’s because, when I wrote up these 6 techniques, I didn’t just list them.

For each one, I also included my own case study, along with a few key takeaways based on my experience, so you can get results more quickly and consistently than I did, since you can learn from my mistakes and successes.

So here’s the special time-limited offer I’m making you:

I have put together a guide, which I’m calling “What’s Grown My List Over The Years, Vol. 1-6.”

I guess I could try to sell this guide for a million dollars a copy. I doubt anybody would buy at that price.

I believe I could sell it for $500 dollars, particularly if I delivered it on a live call or two. I can imagine I might get a few people to take me up on that.

I could certainly sell this guide for $100, as it is now, a shiny and platform-independent PDF of 27 pages (single-column). I bet I could get a good number of people to take me up on that.

But instead, I am making this guide free, as a time-limited bonus for my Daily Email Habit service.

A month of Daily Email Habit puzzles currently costs $30.

I figure $30 is a no-brainer price for 6 proven list growth ideas, which can shave months or possibly years off your climb up the list-growth mountain, so you can get to a place where you have a basic number of good customers and clients on your list.

Once you get to this basic number, it gives you room to decide what you want to do — focus more on list growth, like a lot of people, or like me, on building a business that suits you.

So that’s what you get for $30. Plus, of course, you get a month’s worth of daily email puzzles via Daily Email Habit, so you actually have a chance to convert the people on your email list into long-term customers or clients.

If you’re writing emails already, Daily Email habit can help you write them more consistently, and faster. Even one extra email you send over the next month can easily be worth 10x the $30 of the Daily Email Habit subscription.

And if you’re not writing daily emails already, then this might be your moment.

If you have been faced with the chicken-and-omelette problem of “Why should I write if I have nobody reading?” and “Why should anybody read since I never write?” then consider what would need to happen for you to change what you’re doing.

Maybe you’ll find it’s the opportunity I’m offering today.

As with all opportunities, this one won’t be around long.

I’m making this free bonus offer available only until this Saturday, February 22, at 12pm midnight PST.

Sign up for Daily Email Habit before then, and I’ll send you a copy of “What’s Grown My List Over The Years, Vol. 1-6.” (I’ll be as quick about it as I can be, but I’ll be sending it out personally and one-by-one, so bear with me.)

If you would like to get started now, and not allow this opportunity to pass you by:


PS. If you’re signed up for Daily Email Habit but you’re not in Daily Email House, this free bonus offer applies to you as well. So does the deadline.

In other words, write me an email before Saturday at 12 midnight PST to say you want “What’s Grown My List Over The Years, Vol. 1-6,” and I’ll send it to you. Don’t write me after that, because I will have closed the offer, and I am strict with deadlines.