Ex-reader likes playing games with me

A guy who is no longer on my list asks about getting mentored:


One question that has been cooking up in my mind is that…

Do you ever coach copywriters?

You have mentioned several times that you were a protege of Dan Ferrari and that it helped hone your skills quite a bit. So I was wondering if you do anything like that at all. And no, I’m not talking about Shiv’s mastermind. I’m talking about your own thing.

If not, would you ever consider doing a paid mentorship, like an A-Z program?

Also, would you recommend copywriters to get mentored by someone to get good and ofc, get the street cred and bragging rights?


Reasonable questions, right?

No, I don’t think they’re reasonable questions. But I know some things you don’t know.

For example, I know this guy has long been circling the goal of becoming a copywriter, as they say, “like a cat around hot porridge.”

For going on two years now, this guy replied to my emails to express what’s been holding him back:

He hasn’t figured out his ideal client profile…

He doesn’t have sufficient expertise…

He doesn’t have enough time to find clients.

Side note:

A valuable thing I learned from Tony Robbins is that there’s power in asking the right questions.

Says Tony, “why” is not a very good question to ask. And I agree, particularly if you’re unhappy with where you’re at, and you’re asking questions like:

“Why do I find myself in this deep hole? Why have I been unable to get out for so long? Why are others not in this hole, while I am?”

Not good. All those “why” questions confirm you as a hole-dweller, and just give you a glum satisfaction that there’s nothing to be done, because it’s meant to be like this.

Says Tony, “how” is a much better question to ask. As in:

“How the hell do I get out of this hole? How might the normally impossible be temporarily possible? How can I use what I’ve got on me — clothes, hair, nails — to fashion an escape device?”

“Oh,” but you say, “isn’t that what the guy above is doing? Asking how? How he can become a successful copywriter, and if mentoring might be the way out of his deep hole?”

Again, that’s another bit of info that I have that you don’t. Because the same guy has written me before, on multiple occasions, to say how great my offers are. But, alas, he cannot afford them.

He wrote me that when I was selling info products, which almost universally are a fraction of the cost of “mentoring” or “coaching” or any kind of direct work with someone.

Asking about “mentoring” was just another game this guy was playing. “Ah, it would be so great! If only I had the money, which I don’t! I will certainly take you up on it one day, as soon as I can!”

And just so we’re 100% clear, I’m not ragging on this guy because he doesn’t have money. Money is one way to get closer to the things you want, but it’s not the only way, or even the best way.

My point is simply to be honest with yourself, as honest as you can, about what you really want… about what you’re willing to do to get there… and about what it would mean if you don’t succeed.

I’ve long said there’s no shame in starting towards a goal and then deciding it’s not for you. I do it once a week on average.

There are many more goals out there than there is time and energy. And while it can be noble to persevere, it can also be smart to cut your losses, and go do something where you’re more likely to be successful and happy.

But on to my offer:

My offer is to help you start and stick with writing daily emails.

Maybe you’re reluctant to start writing daily emails because you’re not sure if you will be able to stick with it.

It’s a reasonable concern.

My answer? Worst case, you won’t stick with it. No real harm in that. This newsletter you’re reading now, which has been going steady for 6+ years, is something like my third of fourth attempt at writing daily emails consistently.

I couldn’t stick with it every previous time. So what?

One thing I know:

Starting today, and seeing how it goes tomorrow, is infinitely better than circling the hot porridge for months or even years to come.

If you’d like to get started, and today:
