Getting hooked on the hamster wheel

Back in 2009, before social media really transformed the world, a Dutch scientist named Johanna Meier set up revolutionary experiment in her back yard:

She put an open cage in an ivy-tangled corner of the yard. Inside the cage, she put some food pellets and a running wheel. She then trained a motion-activated camera on the scene.

Sure enough:

Wild mice started arriving during the night. They entered the cage to get the food pellets. But they also tried out the running wheel — and they got hooked.

Meier recorded more than 12,000 different animals getting on the running wheel night after night. Her point was proven — even perfectly wild, free animals would willingly enter a cage and run around on the wheel, going nowhere.

Once the mice got habituated, Meier could even take the treats away. The mice still kept coming night after night, to run around in place, doing what they had gotten used to.

I bring this up because in the 15 years since that experiment, social media has often unflatteringly been compared to a hamster wheel.

I’ve never really used social media so I can’t say if that’s true.

But maybe it resonates with you. Maye you have experience getting lured into social media by the promise of treats — a huge free audience — only to have the treats pulled away from you, while you keep running in place.

If so, I’d like to present an alternative:

Building up a modest, engaged, scalable email list by paying for ads. Sure, ads cost money. But so does the wasted opportunity of weeks, months, or years of running in place on social media, without getting anywhere.

If this speaks to you, I’d like to remind you of the deadline to get MyPEEPS, tonight at 12 midnight PST.

In a food pelletshell, MyPEEPS shows you how to build your email list with paid traffic — putting in $10-$15, and getting out 10-15 new subscribers a day — so you can in time have a proper audience of people who want to read what you write, and buy what you sell.

Plus, the free Shotgun Messenger bonus I’m offering gets you my direct help and input as you actually put the MyPEEPS process into practice.

If you want the full details on that, or to sign up for before the deadline strikes:
