¡Announcing: 10 Mandamientos De Los Mejores Copywriters Del Mundo!

Yes, I now have a book in Spanish.

Even though I’ve been living in Spain for over two years, and though I’ve been studying Spanish for longer than that, the locals still frown when they hear me speak the language. Many will even switch over to English.

No matter.

Because I now have a book in Espanish.

Spanish A-list copywriter Rafa Casas took it upon himself to take my 10 Commandments of A-List Copywriters, and to translate and adapt it to his native language. Result:

“Los 10 Mandamientos De Los Mejores Copywriters Del Mundo”

… which you can now buy on Amazon.

But why?

Why would you possibly want to buy a Spanish-language version of a book I published 4 years ago, in perfectly serviceable English, and promoted a hundred times since then?

I can only imagine two possible reasons:

1. Because you read Spanish much better than you read English.

It’s not impossible. I know I’ve had some readers write in to reply to my emails, and I could see that they were automatically translating my emails into Spanish via Google Translate.

That’s easy to do with emails, but with books?

Now, there’s no need to translate anything yourself. Thanks to Rafa, the treasures inside this book can be yours on demand, in Spanish.

2. Because you read English much better than you read Spanish… and you want to make your Spanish better.

Don’t laugh.

I’ve been listening to podcasts in Spanish and even reading some Spanish-language books to achieve my mediocre and faltering command of the language.

I quickly realized I should listen to and read things that interest me, or my listening and reading wouldn’t last long.

So if you’re learning Spanish, and if you’re interested in topics like influence and persuasion and direct marketing, then maybe here’s your oportunidad to practice and learn and be estimulated at the same time.

I don’t expect the above two reasons will sell a lot of copies of my new Spanish-language book.

That’s ok.

​​From what I understand, Rafa is planning a kind of promotional blitz for this book in the Spanish copywriting world.

And if you’re wondering why he would go to all the trouble, it’s because all the proceeds — all the dozens of dollars in royalties that are sure to flood in — are actually going to a local charity here.

Yes, not only do I have a book in Spanish now… but I’ve changed my cold and heartless ways, and I’ve agreed to do something that can help others also.

I honestly don’t know what’s happening to me.

In any case, if you’d like a little light entretenimiento, and maybe even some ideas útiles, then:
