Most Valuable Postcard #1: Nota Rapida

It ain’t sexy… it’s not a secret… but it is fundamental and very, very valuable:

Most Valuable Postcard #1: Nota Rápida

• Beware: This is an all-digital “postcard”, delivered inside the members-only area of my website, and it contains:

• The spectacular view from the balcony of my apartment in Barcelona…

• My state-of-the-art entertainment center (including a bookshelf with a single book on it)…

• A deep-dive into the #1 top thing to focus on in your business, whether you sell products or your own services, according to the most successful direct marketers in history

If you are a marketer or copywriter, I’d like to invite you to get the first-ever Most Valuable Postcard, straight from the living room of my apartment in Barcelona.

The price for this Most Valuable Postcard is $100. You might rightly wonder what you get for that $100, or why you would ever pay so much for just a postcard. The only possible reason is that all of the following apply to you:

1. You have an already-running product or service business…

2. You are willing to work, even if grudgingly…

3. You understand the value of evergreen principles rather than trendy tactics or underwhelming “secrets” and…

4. You enjoy reading my daily emails.

If all of those four criteria happen to be true, then this inaugural Most Valuable Postcard might truly be valuable to you, much more so than the $100 I am asking for it. Here’s a bit of what you can find inside:

• The only regret I have about my copywriting career. I can honestly say that this one mistake has cost me hundreds of thousands, or maybe even millions of dollars in earnings. If you are a copywriter, you can learn from my mistake and profit.

• Why my most profitable client’s ecommerce business cratered. One week, they were grabbing money hand-over-hoof, and making up to 2,000 sales every day. The next week, it was all over. I don’t know the full details behind their collapse, but I know it was tied to the topic of this postcard.

• The sex-and-dating guru who got away. He could have turned into a major copywriting client for me, maybe one of my top clients of all time. In the end, he didn’t hire me. But he did do something amazing for my career — and possibly, for yours also. I reveal it in this postcard.

• How Australia’s greatest copywriter, Daniel Throssell, creates an almost unassailable advantage for his business. Few other people are willing to do the same… but you might be different.

Speaking of Daniel Throssell, he was one of the original subscribers to the Most Valuable Postcard, back when it ran as a monthly subscription. And after going through this Most Valuable Postcard #1, he wrote me to say:

Seriously though, dude, I know it’s issue #1 but this program you’ve created is amazing. You’ve honestly made me pause and reconsider some ideas about how I want to do my own newsletter because this is just so excellently executed. I love pretty much everything about how you’ve done this, from the format to the content to the value you deliver in your insights. Really impressed.

A few more of the amazing and insightful things you can find inside this postcard:

• The guns-and-ammo offer owner who used me, left me, and then wouldn’t reply to my messages. He was another client who could have transformed my career, had I only managed to keep the relationship going. And all I had to do was to apply the blindingly obvious marketing fundamental I reveal in this postcard.

• How I spent two-and-a-half hours to get a dozen ideal copywriting clients reaching out and asking to hire me. It was uncomfortable but not very difficult. If I were looking for copywriting clients today, I would do this all day long.

• A counterintuitive idea for coming up with seamless funnels that sell high-ticket offers. This idea comes from a bizarro, “nice-guy Ben Settle” — not actually Ben, but a low-profile marketer who makes over $3M each year, selling $5k or $10k info products for himself and his clients.

• The coolest gas station I have ever seen in my life. It’s on Barcelona’s main drag, and it makes you feel like you’re in an F1 race.

• My 4-part checklist for an ideal copywriting client. Most great-sounding leads don’t meet one or more of these criteria… and that’s why they turn into draining, ultimately useless prospects.

If you are interested in getting my postcard and reading the fundamental idea that ties all these points together, then there are a few things you might want to know.

First, as I said up top, this postcard is delivered digitally, inside the members-only area of my site. If you know my Most Valuable Email course, the format here is the same. There is no physical postcard that I promise to send you.

I persist in calling this present offer a “postcard” because it is more than a hardcore how-to teaching. Instead, it is seasoned with my own experiences and with stories from my own life — and even with a few awkward selfies.

All this “fluff” makes the how-to information go down easier — but also, I’ve tied most of it directly to the core idea of this postcard.

This is the first Most Valuable Postcard I wrote. And so I picked the most valuable core idea I could find — most valuable whether you’re a copywriter or business owner, whether you sell products or your own services, whether you get your leads organically or through cold traffic.

That might sound like a big and unlikely claim. But it’s backed by the advice and experience of the smartest and most successful direct marketers in history, people like Brian Kurtz, who helped build up Boardroom, and Mark Ford, who helped build up Agora.

Take what time you need to decide whether this is something you truly want. I am not offering a money-back guarantee, and if you do choose to spend your $100 here, that decision will be final.

If you would like to get this Most Valuable Postcard from me, then click on the button below, and fill out the form on the next page. You will then get an email from me with your login information for the members-only area of my site where you get at the actual postcard.