Bullets confidential:

Follow what I did if you have time… but skip it if you want fast results

If you want to own the skill of money-making bullets, then one way is to do everything I did:

Dig around the Internet, collecting A-list sales letters…

Then stalk Amazon, eBay, used book sites, and online repositories…

And when you finally get both the sales letter and the out-of-print book in your possession… go bullet by bullet… and tease out how the A-list copywriter turned lead into gold.

This process will 100% work. I know because I’ve done it. All in all, it took me about three months of time and maybe 100 hours of work.

The only possible reasons you might NOT want to follow the same process are the following:

1. You value your time too much, and you have no intention doing all that legwork I just described…

2. You’ve got other things to worry about in your life, and you don’t want to spend the mental effort on unravelling A-list tricks and tactics…

3. You want this information instantly, and not months down the line.

If any of these reasons is true in your case, and if you want to own bullets in a way that’s quick and easy, then I’ve got the solution for you:

A fast, fun, mostly-done-for-you ride I call “Copy Riddles.”

In a nutshell, Copy Riddles is a tool that implants A-list bullet and copywriting tricks into your brain.

Copy Riddles is organized in a special format I call rounds. The rounds start out simple… and then get more and more surprising and interesting.

I’ll explain in a second what makes up a round. But first, let me tell you some of the A-list secrets you can own if you go through Copy Riddles:

• How to create “impossible” bullets from very possible ingredients. 3 specific A-list techniques you can use any time. Round 8.

• Readers not biting? Maybe you’re missing the “problem mechanism.” Round 10 shows you what it is and how to slip it in to win over skeptical buyers.

• Gary Halbert’s “sex expert” trick for amping up desire and believability at the same time. Gary used it for his outrageous Killer Orgasms book… but you can use it in just about any market. Round 11.

• The deadly effective 30-second bullet tease. Round 9.

• The bullet element that seals the deal (and that you might enjoy writing the most). This separates master persuaders from everybody else. And you never have to miss out again once you play Round 18.

• Magic words for an instant boost in response. Round 14.

• How to short-circuit your prospect’s logical thinking so he buys instantly. Many aspiring copywriters swear by this bullet method for transforming their copy. Round 12.

• The 8-letter word that makes your promises, warnings, and proof irresistibly intriguing. Warning: If you use this indiscriminately, you can lose 90% or more of your sales. Find out what to do in Round 6.

• A sexy technique for writing bullets that leave other copywriters green with envy. Round 19.

• How to stir up intrigue with made up facts and figures. Safe and ethical — as long as you follow Round 17.

• The “black & white” trick underlying the best bullets. It goes against what some A-list copywriters will tell you to do… and yet it’s right there in their own copy. Round 15.

Copy Riddles the simplest and fastest path to owning bullets and achieving copywriting breakthroughs that I’ve found. Because…

Copy Riddles is based on Gary Halbert’s tested and proven advice. And it goes one step further.

Here’s the trouble with regular copywriting books and courses:

They just tell you stuff.

You read or watch a lesson… you nod your head… you think you get it. And maybe you do. At least some of it. But you don’t own it.

It’s not sitting there, in your head, ready to be summoned on demand the next time you want copy that sells.

Instead, once you put down the book or turn off the course, everything you think you learned washes right off, for the most part.

I know that’s how it is… because it happened to me plenty of times.

Ever since I started working as a copywriter, I’ve been reading books and following courses. Some of it eventually settled in my head. But much of it never did — not until I started applying it. That’s when it clicked.

That’s why Copy Riddles does more than just tell you the bullet tricks and tactics of A-list copywriters. That alone wouldn’t do much for you.

Instead, I knew it would take an exercise. Something you can do to make this a part of your neurology, to play the game, to absorb and internalize this skill.

I’ve come up with just such an exercise, and I’m very proud of how effective it is.

As I mentioned, Copy Riddles is organized in terms of rounds. Each round is simple and covers one specific A-list copywriting trick or tactic.

The round starts when I give you a short text. That’s your first copy riddle.

Your exercise is to write a few bullets based on that text. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out, and you don’t know anything about anything.

Because I then give you the A-lister’s “answer” to the riddle. That’s the bullet that the A-lister wrote, based on that same exact text.

I point out and explain the trick he used. You see it. It makes sense. But then comes the crucial step:

You get a chance to apply the same trick yourself, and really make it your own.

Because I then give you a second copy riddle. It uses the exact same copywriting trick that you’ve just seen. Except now you know how the trick is done… and so you can apply it yourself.

And then of course, I send you the A-list copywriter’s answer to the second riddle.

That way, you can see exactly what he did and compare it to what you did… and you can absorb the A-lister’s skill and make it your own.

Once you’ve had a chance to see, experience, and internalize each A-list copywriting trick for yourself, the round is done. And then we move on to the next round, so you can get the next A-list copywriting secret downloaded into your brain.

This process is as simple, as fun, and as low-risk as possible.

You don’t have to be good to start. You don’t have to be creative. You don’t even have to be disciplined, beyond following what I tell you over and over, and that’s just to write a few bullets.

Because this process shows you how to write killer bullets. And then it gets you practicing the same, whether you want to or not.

I’m not trying to make this process sound easier than it is, or to suggest that you’re dumb or lazy.

But I know from personal experience how easy it is to get sidetracked and discouraged. Even with something you know is valuable and important to you.

That’s why I designed Copy Riddles as I did, to be automatic and to be fun. I designed it for myself — a person who is easily distracted, with a habit of half-finished projects, who prefers games and entertainment to study and seriousness.

Put your faith into this process. Blindly follow it. Do what it says, from start to finish.

If you do this, it will be a transformative experience. Because once you can write great bullets, you are in a separate class from the rest of the people walking the face of the earth.

The best time to get A-list bullets downloaded into your brain

Copy Riddles is an evergreen program. That means if you don’t join Copy Riddles today, or next week, or next month, it will continue to patiently wait for you at this sales page.

That said, there are several good reasons why the best moment to join Copy Riddles might be today.

For one thing, the price of Copy Riddles is sure to go up.

I’ve been consistently raising the price of Copy Riddles ever since I opened up this program. Copy Riddles will never be sold for less than I’m selling it for now — but it’s sure to be sold for more, and possibly soon.

Much more importantly, if you do join today, you will have that much of a head start owning these copywriting skills.

You can apply your new Copy Riddles skills to transform yourself into a more valuable marketer and copywriter. You can use them in your own business to grow your own revenue, or you can use them in your client work to do a better job and make your client (and yourself) more money.

Just one of these A-list tricks and tactics could be worth thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to you. That might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s simply the nature of the world of marketing. Even a small advantage, multiplied over a huge audience, can create a fortune for you very quickly.

Send no money now — if you have any doubts

If you are interested in joining Copy Riddles today, here are a few facts you might want to know:

1. Copy Riddles is delivered inside of a members-only area of my website.

2. Copy Riddles is mainly text — beautiful text that you can read, scan through, and search. However, you will also find many real-life ads inside that illustrate the techniques that Copy Riddles teaches.

3. Because Copy Riddles is delivered on a website, you can can go through it as often as you like, whenever you like, using whatever device you like. And you can go through it according to your own schedule, though as you will see if you join Copy Riddles, I have a schedule that I recommend for best results.

4. I do not offer a money-back guarantee. Here’s why:

My main reason for not offering a money-back guarantee is that I want you to make a conscious decision right now. Either decide to join this program and put in the required time and effort to get value from it — or don’t join at all.

I believe I’ve done a thorough job on this page describing what Copy Riddles can do for you and how it looks. But if at this point you still have any doubts whether to sign up for Copy Riddles, write me an email at john@bejakovic.com.

Ask whatever questions you have. I’ll answer your questions honestly because I’d rather have you not join… than join and be disappointed. So far, I’ve had a stellar record with the people who have gone through Copy Riddles, and I want to keep it that way. Here’s what some of them had to say about their experiences with Copy Riddles:

“I wish I had John’s bullet course when I was starting out”

 I’ve taken every popular course out there. I’m talking about the most popular courses from A-list copywriters. Obviously, I’ve read, listened and watched a lot about bullet writing.

But I can say with 100% confidence that John has put together the best course on bullets, bar none.

I learned a lot from the course that I use for all types of copy: From subject lines to hour-long interview style promos.

I wish I had John’s bullet course when I was starting out. It would have saved me tons of frustration… and shaved months off my learning curve.

— Vasilis Apostolou, formerly a senior Agora copywriter, now freelance

“I’ve truly leveled up my repertoire of copy skills”

I’ve truly leveled up my repertoire of copy skills since starting Copy Riddles and can’t thank you enough. I basically have a solution for every copy problem that gets thrown my way. It’s awesome.

— David Patrick, senior copywriter, Launch Potato

“I can almost feel myself improving in real-time”

Honestly, John’s course is brilliant. And as you said, while the content is bullets-centred, everything inside can be applied to other aspects of copy. Whenever I’m choosing endo subject lines or writing Taboola ads, I’ll write them out in bullet form first, then pick the best ones to use.And this might sound weird, but I can almost feel myself improving in real-time with John’s exercises.

— Harry Thomas, junior Agora copywriter

“I think most people should start learning about copywriting this way”

CopyRiddles has absolutely lived up to my standards and far beyond. It is helping me grow and understand the persuasive elements of copy on a level I didn’t anticipate being possible so soon. I would go as far as to say that I think most people should start learning about copywriting this way. I love how much thought you have put into your analyses and the solid examples that you tie theory back into.

— Sonam Zahrt Tenzin, freelance copywriter

“My understanding of copy mechanics is light years ahead of where it was”

Before John’s Copy Riddles training, I knew about the problem mechanism… and I knew about the solution mechanism. In fact, I knew about around 60% of the stuff he teaches in this course. But I was still like a deer in headlights. Only after going through Copy Riddles… after applying all this that I ‘knew’ in daily exercises, did it all click together. My bullets — and my understanding of copy mechanics — are light years ahead of where they were after a few short weeks.

— Ivan Sršen, freelance copywriter

“Worth every dollar/minute/page”

Done and worth every dollar/minute/page. Thanks John.

— Pablo Barcelo, Spanish-language copywriter

“Your explanations throughout the course have shone with clarity”

Biggest a-ha moment was right at the very end. Bonus Round 3. Market Sophistication. The concept is not new to me. But your explanation has brought it alive. Using a bullet from Gene himself as the example for low sophistication… nice touch. Contrasted with the one from David Deutsch for the market with a high level of sophistication. It made me realise (at 4 am) where I’ve been going wrong in one campaign AND why another has worked so well.. So, thanks. Your explanations throughout the course have shone with clarity.

— Jon Law, Director, Lollipop Local

“There are very few copywriting courses that offer this level of practical value”

What you offer in the “Copy Riddles Course” is a very clever and powerful way to improve our copywriting skills. It’s based on the work of the greatest copywriters. But it’s the kind of practical value you wouldn’t generally find in the books they wrote. In fact, I think there are very few copywriting courses that offer this level of practical value. Best of all, yours is very affordable. Thanks again John. Oh, and by the way, my mother tongue is French and I find that everything you present is clear and well explained, even though I am not a native English speaker.

— Paul [who asked me not to share his last name], French-language marketing consultant and copywriter

“One of the most valuable courses I have ever attended”

By the way just wanted to thank you for such an amazing course. This might be one of the most valuable courses that I have ever have the privilege to attend. So much so that I even feel that you’re underselling how much value you’re actually gifting away. Thank you so very very much.

— Chew Zhi Wei, marketer

“Copy Riddles feels like a game”

I am having a blast with copy riddles so far. It feels like a game. I love it when learning is actually fun. Was on the fence until the last day, and I’m so glad I bought it 🙂

— Cindy Suzuki, copywriter, Bentocopy

“Copy Riddles exercises are helping me so much”

The Copy Riddles exercises are helping me so much.

Just yesterday the head of the copy team I’m on right now read my latest sales letter and said: “It sounds like you didn’t write this sales letter. The sentences are short, concise, and specific. You did a great job.”

I’m now on round 18 and can confirm that this is a really, really important course for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills and become a copywriter who can write ads that convert.

Also, the structure of the course is wonderful.

You study the theory part, then you do the exercises, and then you check if your bullets are in line with the master copywriters… and repeat this round after round until you improve.

— Carlo Gargiulo, copywriter, Metodo Merenda

“Probably the best 300 bucks I’ve ever spent”

I’ve spent close to 150k on copy courses and mentors.

John Bejakovic’s Bullet Copy course is probably the best 300 bucks I’ve ever spent.

One word: “source”. He shows you source material — pre twist — and then re-twists it, so you know how the twist works.

Just send him an email and ask him to enroll you in it.

If, after lesson one, you don’t immediately say, “this is the best 300 bucks I’ve ever spent”, then send an email to rob@robertsmithmedia.com and I’ll send you a refund (then, write your name down in my book of “copywriters I’ll never hire.”)

— Robert Smith, owner, Robert Smith Media

[Note from John: Yes, the price of Copy Riddles has gone up significantly since I got this testimonial, back in 2021. I’ve kept this testimonial because it doesn’t change the fact that the current price of Copy Riddles remains fair, considering the value of the selling and copywriting skills it can give you. And since the price won’t ever go down any lower than it is now, this is still the best moment to get started.]

“Copy Riddles is a breath of fresh air that I recommend to everyone I know all the time”

The course is amazing, I’ve completed it twice now, and I’d say the second time I learned even more than the first. I think it’s super-valuable to go through it periodically, trying to do the exercises from different angles forces me to be more creative and I can really see my improvement from launch to launch. I would love to sign up a third time and continue to learn from it. In a world where most courses are hard to consume (and I think almost every copywriter has a pile of unfinished courses) Copy Riddles is a breath of fresh air that I recommend to everyone I know all the time. So thanks for creating it and looking forward to doing it again.

— Yago Bader Galarza, freelance copywriter

“This is the kind of course you’ll refer back to again and again”

Copy Riddles was a measuring stick for me as a copywriter. John charted a course through the persuasion pathways that separate the pros from the posers. The structure is clear. The examples tie direct response history to present applications. The exercises offered a practical way to test and implement the lessons.

I write for the automotive retail space, which is watered down by legal teams, compliance guidelines, and plenty of regulation. The course has helped me plunk the guts of what makes a solid bullet into more and more of my work.

If you’re hemming and hawing about whether to join, read a week’s worth of John’s daily newsletter as a trial run. You’ll know what to do after. (Hint: the paid stuff in Copy Riddles is even better somehow.) This is the kind of course you’ll refer back to again and again.

— Kevin Cochrane, automotive industry copywriter

“I loved that you went deep into the psychology behind each bullet”

Man, this’s the best course on bullets I have ever seen. And believe me, I have seen a lot. I loved that you didn’t include bullet templates but went deep into the psychology behind each bullet. This course is not just about the “how-to” of writing bullets but understanding the artistry and the deep psychology behind them… Plus, when and where to use them.

— Khaled Maziad, marketing consultant

“The best course I’ve ever taken, bar none”

It’s the best course I’ve ever taken, bar none. The new concepts it reveals. The old concepts it shows you in new, interesting ways. The fact you get to immediately apply it. And then see how an A-lister did it right after. It’s like you’ve created a “mentor in a box” and that’s just the surface of what this course does. Or at least did for me. I mean, it’s 8 weeks of magic. One juicy, fundamental insight per day for 40 days straight. Never felt overwhelming–in fact I found myself constantly reloading my inbox to see if the next Copy Riddle had arrived. It was just that fun. If you’re reading this now…and you’re thinking of taking this course. Stop thinking. Get it. It will level up your game. You won’t look at copy the same way again. You won’t look at your copy the same way again. And you’re going to be waaay more aware of what you’re doing. And you’ll have a bag of tricks, techniques and strategies you can pull from whenever you want to punch up your copy. You’ll have fun doing it too.

— Folarin Madehin, freelance copywriter

“I literally use what I learned in Copy Riddles every day”

Love this course John!!! I literally use what I learned in it every day.

— Nathan Eshman, copywriter, WooliesX

“One of the best copywriting courses I’ve done”

One of the best copywriting courses I’ve done.

There’s a concept called ‘deliberate practice’ that’s popular in the field of learning. I get how it works for music or sports, but I didn’t realize it could apply to copywriting – until I did John’s course.

Great way to accelerate the learning curve.

— Naomi Kuttner, Copywriting and Content Marketing Specialist

“The entire course is an a-ha moment”

The entire course is an a-ha moment. Because you see these things from other copywriters or you read other copy, but you don’t see what’s behind it or why it’s working. Your course shows what happens behind the scenes. Why is this working… and why is this working in this specific case… and why it wouldn’t maybe work in another case.

— Liza Schermann, freelance copywriter

“There are few other courses I fully and wholeheartedly endorse as strongly as one of my own. Copy Riddles is one of them.”

There are few other courses I fully and wholeheartedly endorse as strongly as one of my own. Copy Riddles is one of them.

It’s the most brilliant course concept I’ve ever seen … literally a gamified series of sequential puzzles that teaches you copywriting.

I have literally never had so many people write to me after I start promoting something, offering unsolicited & gushing feedback on it!

— Daniel Throssell, Australia’s best copywriter, during his affiliate promotion of Copy Riddles

Joining Copy Riddles is easy

If you do decide to join Copy Riddles, click the button below. This will take you to an order form.

Fill out that form and submit it, and you will be officially enrolled in Copy Riddles. You will then get a confirmation email from me with your login information to the members-only are of my site, where you can jump on this program.

And from then on, the fun begins, and the A-list copywriting knowledge starts to be downloaded into your brain.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to speaking more with you soon.